joi, 6 iunie 2013

Poem de Oscar Wilde (The Ballad of Reading Gaol)

Ne injosim si ruginim 
Ca lanturi azvarlite;
Blestema unii, altii plang,
Ies altii din sarite:
Dar legile divine frang/ Si inimi impietrite.

 Ferice inimi ce se frang
Si dobandesc iertarea!
Doar prin pacate in plans spalate
In rani de inimi frante Crist
Isi picura-ndurarea."
The Ballad of Reading Gaol

joi, 23 mai 2013

Gandul zilei

Dostoievsky: "A trai fara Dumnezeu nu-i decat chin... Omul nu poate trai fara a ingenunchea. Daca-l alunga pe Dumnezeu, ingenuncheaza in fata unui idol de lemn, sau de aur, sau imaginar. Sunt idolatri cu  totii, nu atei."

duminică, 10 martie 2013

People change under some conditions

 "Toivi Blatt, who was forced by the Nazis to work in Sobibor and then risked his life to escape: `People asked me`, he sais, `What did you learn?`, and I think I`m only sure of one thing - nobody knows themselves.  The nice person on the street, you ask him `Where is North Street?` and he goes with you half a block and shows you, and is nice and kind. The same person in a different situation could be the worst sadist. Nobody knows themselves.  All of us could be good people or bad people in these different situations. Sometimes when somebody is really nice to me I find myself thinking, ` How will be in Sobibor?`"

"Human behaviour is fragile and unpredictable and often at the mercy of the situation. Every individual still, of course, has a choice as to how to behave; it is just that for many people the situation is a key determinant in that choice."

"Just as water exists as water only withing a certain temperature range and is steam or ice in others, so human beings can become different people according to extremes of circumstance."
 "I remember one former dedicated member of the Nazi party saying to me in an exasperated manner, after I pressed him on why so many went along with the horrors of the regime, `The trouble with the world today is that people who never been tested go around making judgements about people who have.`"

"One becomes indifferent. Today you go, tomorrow I will go. You become indifferent. A human being can get used to anything."  

(Laurence Reese - Auschwitz, The Nazis and The Final Solution)

luni, 23 aprilie 2012

Pacatul prostiei - Nicolae Steinhardt

Mii de draci ma furnica văzând cum este confundat creștinismul cu prostia, cu un fel de cucernicie tampa si lasa, o bigoterie, ca si cum menirea crestinismului n-ar fi decat sa lase lumea batjocorita de fortele raului, iar el sa inlesneasca faradelegile dat fiind ca e prin definitie osandit la cecitate si paraplegie.
Denis de Rougemont: "Sa nu judecam pe altii, dar cand arde casa vecinului nu stau sa ma rog si sa ma imbunatatesc; chem pompierii, alerg la cismea. De nu, se numeste ca sunt fudul si ca nu-mi iubesc aproapele." Macaulay: "Este drept ca nu avem voie sa ne rasculam impotriva lui Nero caci orice putere de Sus este, dar nici nu trebuie sa-i sarim in ajutor daca se intampla sa fie atacat."
Una e sa te rascoli, alta e sa aprobi.
Crestinismul neajutorat si neputincios este o conceptie eretica doarece nesocoteste indemului Domnului (Matei 10:16 "fiti dar intelepti ca serpii si nevinovati ca porumbeii") si trece peste textele Sfantului Pavel (Efeseni 5:17 "Drept aceea, nu fiti fara minte", 2 Tim 4:5 "tu fi treaz in toate", Tit 1:8 "sa fie... treaz la mine" si mai indeosebi 1 Cor. 14:20 "Fratilor nu fiti copii la minte; ci la rautate fiti copii, iar la minte fiti oameni mari." )
Nicaieri si niciodata nu ne-a cerut Cristos sa fim prosti. Ne cheama sa fim buni, blanzi, cinstiti, smeriti cu inima, dar nu tampiti. Cum de-ar fi putut proslavi prostia Cel care ne da sfatul de-a fi mereu treji ca sa nu ne lasam surprinsi de Satana? Si-apoi, tot la 1 Cor. 14:33 sta scris ca "Dumnezeu nu este un Dumnezeu al neoranduielii". Iar randuiala se opune mai presus de orice neindemanarii zapacite, slabiciunii nehotarate, neintelegerii obtuze. Domnul iubeste nevinovatia, nu imbecilitatea. Iubesc naivitatea, zice si Leon Daudet, dar nu la barbosi. Barbosii se cad sa fie intelepti. Sa stim, si ei, si noi, ca mai mult rau iese adeseori de pe urma prostiei decat a rautatii. Nu, slujitorilor diavolului, adica smecherilor, prea le-ar veni la indemana sa fim prosti. Dumnezeu, printre altele, ne porunceste sa fim inteligenti. Pentru cine este inzestrat cu darul intelegerii, prostia - macar de la un anume punct incolo - e pacat: pacat de slabiciune si de lene, de nefolosire a talentului.

sâmbătă, 17 martie 2012

Cea mai buna intrebare

Spune o legenda ca Epimenide cretanul (un filosof si poet aflat pe una din listele celor 7 intelepti din Grecia) a calatorit in India si l-a intrebat pe Buddha:
- Ai putea sa-mi spui care este cea mai buna intrebare care se poate pune si care este cel mai bun raspuns care se poate da?
Buddha i-a raspuns:
- Cea mai buna intrebare care se poate pune este cea pe care tu mi-ai pus-o mai inainte iar cel mai bun raspuns care se poate da este cel pe care ti-l dau eu acum.

joi, 1 martie 2012

Living less loved

Most of our lives are spent living less loved.
When we worry that God will ask us for some horrible sacrifice, we live less loved.
When we indulge ourselves in sin, we live less loved.
When we give into anxiety in the crush of our circumstances, we live less loved.
When we try to earn God`s favor by our own efforts, we live less loved.
Even when we get caught up in religious obligations to make ourselves acceptable to him, we live less loved.
In the long run it doesn't matter whether rebellion or religion keeps you from a vibrant relationship with the Father; the result is still the same. He is cheated out of the relationship he wants with you, and you never come  to know how he feels about you.
Everything about you life hinges on the answer to one simple question: Do you know how loved you really are?
Isn't it about time you found out? (Wayne Jacobsen - He loves me!)

"And I pray that you, being rooted and established in love, may have power, together with all the Lord’s holy people, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ,  and to know this love that surpasses knowledge—that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God. " (Ephesians 3:17-19)

sâmbătă, 25 februarie 2012

Will you?

John Piper: "The purpose of God in creating the universe is to display the greatness glory of his grace supremely in the suffering of his Son. That`s yesterday. Today he summons, will you join his Son in displaying the supreme satisfaction of the glory of grace in joining him on the Calvary road of suffering because today there is no either way the world is going to see the supreme glory of Christ except if we break free from the Disneyland of America and begin to live lifestyle of missionary sacrifice that look to the world like our treasure is in heaven and not on the earth. This is the only way!"

luni, 20 februarie 2012

If you can`t hate, you can`t love!

John Piper: Genuine love must hate in order to be love. If there were a universe in which there was no evil, hurting people and dishonoring God, that statement would be false, in fact would be no such thing like hate in such universe, it would not exist, would be nothing to hate. We do not live in that universe. In this world, fallen world, where is evil hurting people and dishonoring God, you got to hate that or you can`t love people. You can not be a non-hating anything person and be a loving person. A lot of people have this notion that love is always smooth, love is always easy, love is always gentle, love doesn’t speak in negative, love is always soft… NO way, NOT in this world. If you don`t hate anything in this world you can not possible love because things are killing people, things are destroying people, this are dishonoring God. If you can`t hate, you can`t love. Love has hate in it. If love is doing of good for people, love is the hating of what destroys people.

marți, 21 iunie 2011

Tirania celor care iti vor binele

C.S. Lewis: "Dintre toate tiraniile, tirania exercitată pentru binele victimelor sale este, poate, cea mai insuportabilă. S-ar putea să fie mai bun traiul sub un stăpân care te exploatează decât sub oameni omnipotenţi cu pretenţii de moralitate. Cruzimea stăpânului care te exploatează poate la un moment dat să adoarmă, lăcomia sa poate să se sature, dar cei care ne chinuiesc pentru binele nostru ne vor chinui fără încetare, făcând acest lucru cu acordul propriilor lor conştiinţe."

marți, 31 mai 2011

Castigul mincinosului

Intr-o zi, Aristotel a fost intrebat ce castiga oamenii mintind. Inteleptul a raspuns:
- Neincrederea oamenilor atunci cand vor spune adevarul.

marți, 26 aprilie 2011

The threat of hell

Wayne Jacobsen: "When we use the threat of hell to motivate people to come to God, we are using it in a way Jesus never did and in a way he never intended. In doing so, we push people farther away from God`s greatest desire rather than inviting them closer to it.
His message was not "Come to God or you`ll burn in hell". His message was "God`s Kingdome has come near you and you can become a participant in it. You have a Father who love you more than any other person ever has or ever will, and you can now discover what it means to have a daily relationship with him. If you choose not to, then your own sin will destroy you utterly and completely.""

duminică, 17 aprilie 2011

Paradoxul mincinosului

"Eu mint acum."

Daca propozitia este adevarata, trebuie sa fie in acelasi timp falsa (intrucat va fi adevarat ca "eu mint acum"), iar daca propozitia este falsa, in acelasi timp va trebui sa fie adevarata (pentru ca inseamna ca spun adevarul daca este fals ca mint).

marți, 12 aprilie 2011

Christianity today

Wayne Jacobsen: "Christianity has become far removed from its central purpose. Instead of desiring to walk in friendship with Him, we are only preoccupied with securing His goodies. It`s His blessing we want, not Him!"

joi, 7 aprilie 2011

Scoala de la Megara...

... care combina invataturile lui Socrate cu cele ale lui Parmenide, s-a evidentiat mai ales prin cercetarile cu caracter logic. Nu le lipsea insa membrilor sai nici simtul umorului, precum celui care il intreba odata pe stoicul Zenon "daca isi mai bate tatal?" punandu-l astfel intr-o situatie compromitatoare pe sarmanul filosof, intrucat atat un raspuns pozitiv, cat si unul negativ il punea intr-o lumina proasta.

joi, 31 martie 2011

Oscar Wilde - Portretul lui Dorian Gray (2)

"Marturisirea, nu preotul ne da iertarea."

"Poti fi intotdeauna amabil cu cineva de care nu iti pasa."

"Una dintre frumusetile trecutului consta in aceea ca este trecut."

"Este perfect monstruos felul in care oamenii spun lucruri despre altii, in spatele lor, lucruri care sunt in intregime adevarate."

"Pentru a-mi recapata tineretea as face orice pe lumea asta, in afara de a face gimnastica, de a ma scula devreme si de a fi respectabil."

"Tragedia batranetii nu este faptul ca esti batran, ci ca esti tanar inlauntrul tau."

"Cartile care sunt catalogate drept imorale sunt cele care-i reveleaza lumii propria ei rusine."